The Giver



I am a charitable person. I give freely to others. I give to those in need without expecting anything in return. This is one of my positive character traits.

I give to others in many ways. One way is giving through organizations. I give financially to many charities that I care deeply about. I give food to my local food bank once a month. I give my time to my Quaker Meeting through service at many levels. I give my time to CoDA through my home group and higher service levels.

I also give to individuals in many ways. I give through listening, smiling at people in the hallway, holding the door for them, and making eye contact. Some of these people are people I know, but many are people that I don’t know. I give to the clerk behind the counter at the coffee place by making eye contact, smiling, saying hello, and asking them how they are. If a colleague forgets their lunch, I offer them some of mine. If a friend is cold, I offer them my sweater. If a friend needs a lift and I’m available, I give them a ride. I give to the road crew by smiling when I drive by instead of grumping at them. (Yes, despite my previous complaints about traffic, I am often able to do this!) I hope it helps them and I know it makes me feel better.


I have also been known to help out my students and their families, even during my off-hours or during summer. For example, there is a family in Pittsfield that has had one child or another in my orchestras for several years now. During this span of years and even after the children were out of my classroom, I would go out of my way to help the family when they needed it. For example, there were a couple of times that one of the children, we’ll call him Greg (not his real name), needed to have the chin rest on his violin replaced and then adjusted. I met with the mother a couple of times, once at my place of work and once at their home. I gave my time to them, without expecting anything in return. (I actually did receive coffee and cookies, which were wonderful!) The profit I received from this experience came in the form of gratitude, warmth, and friendship. It was well worth it.


These things may seem small, but they’re important. They are all examples of me being of service to others in a small way, giving for the sake of giving. Being charitable is vital to me because it helps me grow spiritually. It is the God in me reaching out to the God in others. I am aware that all of the charity that comes out of me is God’s doing. All good in me comes from God. How cool of God to allow good to come through me to others. I am grateful and humbled by His mercy and grace.



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